How to Overcome the Devastating Effects of Social Rejection and Anxiety in Intimate Relationships

Are you tired of feeling left out and rejected by your peers? Do you constantly find yourself wondering what you did wrong, and how you can change yourself to fit in? Social rejection is a painful and all-too-common experience that can leave us feeling isolated, worthless, and alone. But it doesn't have to be this way. In our latest blog post, we delve deep into the science of social rejection, exploring the reasons why it happens, and offering practical strategies for overcoming it. From building stronger self-esteem to creating a supportive social network, we've got the tools you need to start feeling included and valued once again. Don't let social rejection hold you back any longer, click on our latest blog now and take the first step towards a happier, more fulfilled life.

Rev. Shabana Wollin

I’m the founder and resident healer practitioner at Angel Therapy Readings. I support people who are committed to their spiritual journey by partnering with them in their ascension process and provide healing services under three main areas:

Spiritual Ascension & Life Coaching

Reiki Master Teacher & Energy Healing

Oracle Readings & Divination

As an ordained minister with Universal Life Church Ministries, I’m available to perform spiritual non-denominational wedding unions, alternative rituals, blessings, soul journeys and deliver sermons.

To learn more about how you can work with me, please view my complete bio below.
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