
Cultivate & Motivate

Learnings, teachings, notes and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays and moments when manifesting your true self.

Cracking the Chiron Code: Transforming Your Twin Flame Journey through Healing the Wounded Healer

The Chiron code in the context of a twin flame journey experience encapsulates the profound symbolism of Chiron, the wounded healer, within the dynamics of soul connection. It represents the intricate interplay between our deepest wounds and the potential for healing and transformation within the twin flame relationship. Just as Chiron in astrology signifies the areas of our lives where we carry deep-seated wounds and vulnerabilities, the Chiron code in the twin flame journey highlights the unresolved emotional and spiritual patterns that both partners bring into the union. Read more now.

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Spiritual Life Coaching, Soul Journey, Relationships Rev. Shabana Wollin Spiritual Life Coaching, Soul Journey, Relationships Rev. Shabana Wollin

Day 366 - Glimpses from the Journey of a Twin-Soul

We all aspire and yearn to maintain happy and healthy relationships. However, most often we find this can be a rather daunting and challenging journey. In this article, I explore from the lens of a partner who demonstrates an undying faith in her profoundly sick and mentally ill partner. It takes you on a journey of raw emotions while maintaining her path of unconditional love.

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Angel Therapy Reading Rev. Shabana Wollin Angel Therapy Reading Rev. Shabana Wollin

What is an Angel Therapy Reading

Angel Therapy is a non-denominational spiritual healing process that involves working with your archangels (liken to the guardians of the angelic realms) and any of your ancestral spirit guides. When you book your angel therapy reading session with me, I channel this beautiful energy for you that is being guided by your guides AND mine so that you receive insights into the areas of your life that you’re seeking answers to you the most. The energies of the archangels I work with mostly are Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Raphael, and my ancestral spirit guides. In my reading, I also use a variety of Angel Card oracle decks that are guided to bring the messages you need to know from your angels & guides.

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