What is an Angel Therapy Reading


The two most frequently asked questions at Shabana’s Angel Therapy Readings is - What is an Angel Therapy Reading and What can I expect at an Angel Therapy reading session? In this article I shall help answer both those topics and by the time you finish reading this - I would be glad if I have piqued your curiosity to invite you to experience your very first Angel Therapy Reading with me!

Note: You’ll definitely need to bring your most open self and open heart in order to partake and to receive the maximum benefit from these reading sessions. Also, please come prepared with questions or intentions, and as your channel, I will be guided to the angel cards that are most appropriate for you at the moment of your reading.

Angel Therapy is a non-denominational spiritual healing process that involves working with your archangels (liken to the guardians of the angelic realms) and any of your ancestral spirit guides. When you book your angel therapy reading session with me, I channel this beautiful energy for you that is being guided by your guides AND mine so that you receive insights into the areas of your life that you’re seeking answers to you the most. The energies of the archangels I work with mostly are Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Raphael, and my ancestral spirit guides. In my reading I also use a variety of Angel Card oracle decks that are guided to bring the messages you need to know from your angels & guides.

Your angel guides can give clear guidance in many areas—finances, relationships, health, and tapping into your life’s highest purpose. They’re practical helpers who intervene in our everyday lives, but you’ve gotta ask for their help, because angels don’t, and won’t, impose on anyone’s free will. The angelic realms are the next step for those already on a spiritual path who are ready to go deeper—and who are open to seeing angels as more than just tree toppers or love cherubs.

Now, on a personal note…sometimes the thing we need the most finds us rather than us seeking it, and that’s exactly what happened for me. I found myself on Google in 2016 searching for Archangel Michael not knowing anything about what to expect. This was the start to my beautiful journey to invite him into my life and I was guided to work with Doreen Virtue’s oracle cards, Josie Grouse angelic channeling techniques, and since have also completed a Diploma Course on how to connect to the Angelic realm and harness the power of working with up-to 22 different Archangels.

I really believe it was a pivotal & transforming time on my path toward self-knowledge, and clarity around my life’s mission - which is now to help other seekers on their spiritual journey to self-empowerment and finding their life’s purpose. I invite you to Book your angel card reading with me with an oracle deck that calls to you. I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Rev. Shabana Wollin

I’m the founder and resident healer practitioner at Angel Therapy Readings. I support people who are committed to their spiritual journey by partnering with them in their ascension process and provide healing services under three main areas:

Spiritual Ascension & Life Coaching

Reiki Master Teacher & Energy Healing

Oracle Readings & Divination

As an ordained minister with Universal Life Church Ministries, I’m available to perform spiritual non-denominational wedding unions, alternative rituals, blessings, soul journeys and deliver sermons.

To learn more about how you can work with me, please view my complete bio below.


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