Failure is an inevitable outcome of anything that did not go according to our initial plans or as we expected. For most individuals, failure is perceived as a negative condition that must be avoided as much as possible. In this article we shall explore 5 key areas on why it’s okay to fail:

  1. what is failure - definition,

  2. role of childhood social conditioning around failure,

  3. recognize your limiting thought patterns that prevent from seeing failure as your stepping stone to success

  4. gain a renewed perspective on achieving faster results

  5. answer the WHY - an essential part of your spiritual journey

Rev. Shabana Wollin

I’m the founder and resident healer practitioner at Angel Therapy Readings. I support people who are committed to their spiritual journey by partnering with them in their ascension process and provide healing services under three main areas:

Spiritual Ascension & Life Coaching

Reiki Master Teacher & Energy Healing

Oracle Readings & Divination

As an ordained minister with Universal Life Church Ministries, I’m available to perform spiritual non-denominational wedding unions, alternative rituals, blessings, soul journeys and deliver sermons.

To learn more about how you can work with me, please view my complete bio below.
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