
Cultivate & Motivate

Learnings, teachings, notes and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays and moments when manifesting your true self.

Spiritual Life Coaching Rev. Shabana Wollin Spiritual Life Coaching Rev. Shabana Wollin

How do you become self-aware?

Self-awareness is the ability to monitor our subconscious consciously so that we can regulate our emotions and actions to have enriching life experiences. It is a path to inner peace and healing. When we are not self-aware, we are unconscious. It enables you to achieve higher levels of fulfillment in many areas of your life - career, finances, relationships, and spiritual growth. Mindfulness is a helpful tool for enhancing our ability to be self-aware. It allows us to bring our attention to recognize subtle, yet critical signs, and to view our thoughts as they arise rather than be carried away by them. You’d be surprised to learn that we aren’t as self-aware as we might think! Self-awareness is an essential skill.

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Soul Journey, Spiritual Life Coaching, Ascension Rev. Shabana Wollin Soul Journey, Spiritual Life Coaching, Ascension Rev. Shabana Wollin

Say Yes

Saying YES can be very scary for people. Saying YES means to commit, to choose a path, to become decisive. Decision-making triggers your cortisol levels - induces stress, and, according to research, chronic stress causes frontostriatal reorganization, impeding your ability to make the decision in the first place. Today, let us explore this rather complex topic of decision making in the context of what it means to Say Yes through reflective journeying. In this article, I will share with you a simple - yet powerful technique of reflective journeying.

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Ascension, Spiritual Life Coaching, Relationships Rev. Shabana Wollin Ascension, Spiritual Life Coaching, Relationships Rev. Shabana Wollin

It's Okay to Fail

Failure is an inevitable outcome of anything that did not go according to our initial plans or as we expected. For most individuals, failure is perceived as a negative condition that must be avoided as much as possible. In this article we shall explore 5 key areas on why it’s okay to fail:

  1. what is failure - definition,

  2. role of childhood social conditioning around failure,

  3. recognize your limiting thought patterns that prevent from seeing failure as your stepping stone to success

  4. gain a renewed perspective on achieving faster results

  5. answer the WHY - an essential part of your spiritual journey

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Relationships Rev. Shabana Wollin Relationships Rev. Shabana Wollin

Importance of Setting Healthy Boundaries in Relationships

Boundaries are essential to healthy relationships and, for a healthy life. Setting and sustaining healthy boundaries is a skill. In this article, I shall explore how you can develop this often-overlooked skill in many relationships. Having a boundary means knowing and communicating with your partner what are behaviors are acceptable and those which are not. What this enables you both in the relationship is to have a working agreement that is built on mutual respect, trust, and understanding of the other.

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