
Cultivate & Motivate

Learnings, teachings, notes and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays and moments when manifesting your true self.

Rev. Shabana Wollin Rev. Shabana Wollin

Spiritual Ascension and Life Coaching: Embracing Change for Personal Transformation

Are you looking to make a transformative change in your life? Look no further than the combination of spiritual ascension and life coaching. This unique approach to personal growth and development helps individuals tap into their inner power and embrace change in order to achieve their full potential. Through a combination of spiritual practices and practical coaching techniques, individuals are able to release limiting beliefs and patterns, connect with their higher selves, and create the life they truly desire. Whether you're seeking greater clarity, purpose, or fulfillment, spiritual ascension and life coaching can help you get there. Embrace change and take the first step towards your personal transformation today.

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Navigating Rejection and Stonewalling in Relationships: 5 Practical Tips for Coping and Moving Forward

Looking for practical tips on how to navigate rejection and stonewalling in relationships? Our latest blog post offers 5 actionable strategies for coping and moving forward. Don't let these challenges hold you back any longer. Visit Shabana’s Angel Therapy Readings to learn more today!

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Relationships, Spiritual Relationships, Ascension Rev. Shabana Wollin Relationships, Spiritual Relationships, Ascension Rev. Shabana Wollin

Exploring the Mystical Bond: Understanding Twin Flame Relationships

When two people meet and feel a strong connection, it is often because their souls recognize each other as their twin flame. This recognition can trigger a powerful process of healing and transformation as the two individuals work to unite their masculine and feminine energies and become whole.
The journey towards union with a twin flame can be mysterious, challenging and sometimes filled with obstacles, as both individuals must confront and heal their own emotional or generational wounds to fully embrace and support each other. However, the reward for successfully navigating this process is a deep and fulfilling connection that can bring a sense of purpose and meaning to one's life.

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Spiritual Life Coaching, Relationships Rev. Shabana Wollin Spiritual Life Coaching, Relationships Rev. Shabana Wollin

7 Simple Strategies for Maintaining Your Emotional Well-Being During the Holidays

The holiday season can be a time of joy and celebration, but it can also be a time of stress and anxiety, especially if you have family members that you do not wish to interact with. Whether it's due to past conflicts, differing values, or just not getting along, being around certain family members can be draining and overwhelming.

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Spiritual Life Coaching, Relationships Rev. Shabana Wollin Spiritual Life Coaching, Relationships Rev. Shabana Wollin

Mastering the Art of Allowing: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Practice Allowing in Your Life

Are you tired of feeling like you're constantly fighting against the flow of life? It's time to try the transformative practice of allowing. In our latest blog post, "Mastering the Art of Allowing: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Practice Allowing in Your Life," you'll learn how to let go of resistance and surrender to the present moment. This simple yet powerful practice can bring greater peace, clarity, and fulfillment to your life. Follow our step-by-step guide to start practicing allowing today and see the positive impact it can have on your well-being. Don't miss out on this opportunity to bring more harmony and flow into your life – Read More Now!

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Spiritual Life Coaching, Ascension Rev. Shabana Wollin Spiritual Life Coaching, Ascension Rev. Shabana Wollin

8 Crucial Factors for Spiritual Ascension: How Your Ascension Coach Can Help

If you're looking to elevate your spiritual journey, partnering with a spiritual ascension coach can be a game-changer. These coaches are trained in helping you tap into your highest potential, guiding you on a path of self-discovery and transformation. One of the benefits of working with a spiritual ascension coach is the personalized attention you receive. Your coach will work with you to create a customized plan that addresses your specific needs and goals. Additionally, a coach can provide support and accountability as you navigate your spiritual journey, helping you stay motivated and on track. With the guidance and support of a spiritual ascension coach, you can achieve new levels of spiritual growth and enlightenment. Book your Discovery call today!

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Spiritual Life Coaching, Relationships Rev. Shabana Wollin Spiritual Life Coaching, Relationships Rev. Shabana Wollin

Unleashing the Full Potential of Spiritual Life Coaching: An Exploration of the Ascension Journey

Spiritual life coaching can help individuals reach their full potential and experience a transformative ascension journey. This article explores the benefits of this unique approach to personal growth and how it can lead to greater self-awareness, inner peace, and a deeper connection to the divine. With the guidance of a skilled coach, individuals can tap into their own inner wisdom and unlock their full potential on the path toward spiritual growth and ascension.

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Ascension, Spiritual Life Coaching, Soul Journey Rev. Shabana Wollin Ascension, Spiritual Life Coaching, Soul Journey Rev. Shabana Wollin

3 Easy Tips for Rapid Manifestation with New Moon Energy

During this lunar cycle, the moon and the sun meet in the sky (astrologically speaking they align at the same degree). When this occurs, energetically, it is a great time to plant new seeds of desire.

During the new moon, it reminds us to breathe new life into any area of stagnation or any place in our lives or where you would like to welcome a positive change. The new moon occurs every 29 1/2 days.

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Soul Journey, Relationships Rev. Shabana Wollin Soul Journey, Relationships Rev. Shabana Wollin

The Evolution of Letting Go By Releasing Attachments - A 5-Step Process

The evolution of letting go can be challenging, especially when what you have to let go of is something you desired or cared about deeply. . Anything that causes you pain, distress, or feeling forced is a good indicator that it is unhealthy for your well-being. In my experience, I have witnessed that the more you fight for something that is not for you, the more it will fight back! You might even get it in the end, but I've come to observe that it does not last for long. In this article, let’s explore five helpful tips on how you can successfully let go of releasing an attachment that is no longer serving you reach your highest potential, and become unstuck.

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Spiritual Life Coaching, Soul Journey, Relationships Rev. Shabana Wollin Spiritual Life Coaching, Soul Journey, Relationships Rev. Shabana Wollin

Day 366 - Glimpses from the Journey of a Twin-Soul

We all aspire and yearn to maintain happy and healthy relationships. However, most often we find this can be a rather daunting and challenging journey. In this article, I explore from the lens of a partner who demonstrates an undying faith in her profoundly sick and mentally ill partner. It takes you on a journey of raw emotions while maintaining her path of unconditional love.

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Spiritual Life Coaching, Relationships Rev. Shabana Wollin Spiritual Life Coaching, Relationships Rev. Shabana Wollin

What is Love ?

The world we live in today is rapidly evolving and transforming. There is much anguish, hatred, anger, despair, and uncertainty. I was inspired to write this article today to take you on a light-hearted journey on a path of love towards love. I will share with you how I choose to experience love in my everyday life. Love is considered difficult to define because its applications are multi-dimensional. Often from a Christian-standpoint, love is best understood from a biblical perspective. In fact, one of the most sought-after themes in the Bible is the definition of love. The Bible is a great example of a leviathan love story to God - his journey towards our acceptance and forgiveness of self and others. Love is a universal force of nature. When we open ourselves up into allowing - we experience its beauty and bliss. When we box ourselves up into expecting - we experience its ugliness and misery. Everyone is deserving of love. Everyone can experience love. The magic lies in the art of allowing love to enter your life without any pre-existing conditions.

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Spiritual Life Coaching Rev. Shabana Wollin Spiritual Life Coaching Rev. Shabana Wollin

How do you become self-aware?

Self-awareness is the ability to monitor our subconscious consciously so that we can regulate our emotions and actions to have enriching life experiences. It is a path to inner peace and healing. When we are not self-aware, we are unconscious. It enables you to achieve higher levels of fulfillment in many areas of your life - career, finances, relationships, and spiritual growth. Mindfulness is a helpful tool for enhancing our ability to be self-aware. It allows us to bring our attention to recognize subtle, yet critical signs, and to view our thoughts as they arise rather than be carried away by them. You’d be surprised to learn that we aren’t as self-aware as we might think! Self-awareness is an essential skill.

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Spiritual Life Coaching, Ascension Rev. Shabana Wollin Spiritual Life Coaching, Ascension Rev. Shabana Wollin

Change for the Better

If you're not where you want to be in your relationship, your career, or, for that matter in your life, never let yourself believe that change is impossible. Don't allow your future to be limited - by your current situation. Stop being fearful of what may go wrong and start to get excited about what can go right. Learn how you can integrate these 7 practices into your daily life to experience transformative change.

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Soul Journey, Spiritual Life Coaching, Ascension Rev. Shabana Wollin Soul Journey, Spiritual Life Coaching, Ascension Rev. Shabana Wollin

Say Yes

Saying YES can be very scary for people. Saying YES means to commit, to choose a path, to become decisive. Decision-making triggers your cortisol levels - induces stress, and, according to research, chronic stress causes frontostriatal reorganization, impeding your ability to make the decision in the first place. Today, let us explore this rather complex topic of decision making in the context of what it means to Say Yes through reflective journeying. In this article, I will share with you a simple - yet powerful technique of reflective journeying.

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Ascension, Spiritual Life Coaching, Relationships Rev. Shabana Wollin Ascension, Spiritual Life Coaching, Relationships Rev. Shabana Wollin

It's Okay to Fail

Failure is an inevitable outcome of anything that did not go according to our initial plans or as we expected. For most individuals, failure is perceived as a negative condition that must be avoided as much as possible. In this article we shall explore 5 key areas on why it’s okay to fail:

  1. what is failure - definition,

  2. role of childhood social conditioning around failure,

  3. recognize your limiting thought patterns that prevent from seeing failure as your stepping stone to success

  4. gain a renewed perspective on achieving faster results

  5. answer the WHY - an essential part of your spiritual journey

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Angel Therapy Reading Rev. Shabana Wollin Angel Therapy Reading Rev. Shabana Wollin

What is an Angel Therapy Reading

Angel Therapy is a non-denominational spiritual healing process that involves working with your archangels (liken to the guardians of the angelic realms) and any of your ancestral spirit guides. When you book your angel therapy reading session with me, I channel this beautiful energy for you that is being guided by your guides AND mine so that you receive insights into the areas of your life that you’re seeking answers to you the most. The energies of the archangels I work with mostly are Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Raphael, and my ancestral spirit guides. In my reading, I also use a variety of Angel Card oracle decks that are guided to bring the messages you need to know from your angels & guides.

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Relationships Rev. Shabana Wollin Relationships Rev. Shabana Wollin

Importance of Setting Healthy Boundaries in Relationships

Boundaries are essential to healthy relationships and, for a healthy life. Setting and sustaining healthy boundaries is a skill. In this article, I shall explore how you can develop this often-overlooked skill in many relationships. Having a boundary means knowing and communicating with your partner what are behaviors are acceptable and those which are not. What this enables you both in the relationship is to have a working agreement that is built on mutual respect, trust, and understanding of the other.

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Reiki Healing Rev. Shabana Wollin Reiki Healing Rev. Shabana Wollin

Unveiling the Essence of Reiki Healing: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Embracing its Transformative Power

Reiki is a simple, natural, and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery. A Reiki session will fill you with life energy, helping you to feel strong and healthy. It also increases confidence, and many have found that it quickens the healing process!

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